Plunge in gold prices has increased peoples’ interest to jewelers and goldsmiths again. After plunge in gold prices, people waiting to purchase gold pour in goldsmiths.

Indicating that a sharp drop has been seen in gold prices after Eid al-Fitr, Cemal Cetiz one of the goldsmiths said that, “plunge in gold prices is to the advantage of those who are going to marry soon.”

Cetiz, “Price of one gram of gold has dropped from 94,5 to 92,5, a quarter gold coin from 170 to 165, half gold coin from 340 to 335 and cumhuriyet gold coin from 680 to 665 TRY.”

Remarking that plunge in gold prices has made happy both the people and goldsmiths, Cetiz added that, “This situation stimulated the market of gold.” (ILKHA)

Kaynak: (İLKHA)