Muhammed Arif Çetinkaya head of Susa Der (Susa martyrs Association) announced that the annual commemoration ceremony of Susa martyrs who were killed savagely in Susa village of Silvan in Diyarbakır Province on 26th June 1992, was put over to the 3rd day of Id Al Fitr ( Ramadan Feast ) due to the ceremony date coincide with Ramadan. Çetinkaya said that,” We used to hold the ceremony for our martyrized brothers on the date of 26th June annually but due to the date coincides with Ramadan and because of hot weather, we consider appropriate to put over the ceremony to 3rd day of Ramadan Feast.”

Stating that, we invite all conscientious people to our ceremony which is going to be held in the village of Susa where the massacre committed, Çetinkaya added that, “It is a duty for every sensitive Muslim to redound our voice become louder against those enemies of humanity .” (ILKHA)

Kaynak: (İLKHA)