
After being arrested in 28th February process, imprisoned for life time and got Hepatitis B and Delta Super infectious disease in jail Yasin Demir's family stated that they have been spending 30 Eids without their father, the only crime of their father was to live a Quranic life.

'I'm spending the 30th Eid separate from my father "

Indicating that her father was imprisoned when she was 4 years old, Meryem Demir said that she have been spending 30 Eids without her father, she added; "My father is still in prison just because he made Quran a roadmap for him. Also he is in the category of the patients that shouldn’t be in prison. Also in that Eid we have had the pain f missing our father and in our house again there is bitterness of missing him.  Since 30 Eids we could not celebrate. We tried to console ourselves with contrived Eids. But from now on we want to live in a genuine Eid as well. "

Saying; "My wish from Allah is to make the next Eid a genuine Eid also for us." Meryem Demir, indicated that she wanted a more peaceful, more beautiful Eid that she could see her father given his freedom.

Meryem Demir said, "All our Eids pass with sour and sadness. Especially our Eid becomes more sad when we see other people spending their Eid with their fathers But again despite all we still spend our Eids with bit of sweetness. I wish, from my lord that this Eid will be the last one spent without my father. "

"I spent my childhood and my baby age without my father"

And indicating that her father was put into the prison few months before she was born Zeynep Demir said, "My father was put into the prison before I was born. I have never seen him at all outside the jail or at house. Today we celebrate another Eid without ou father. In Eids We feel the absence of our father more. My father was away in prison when I was a baby, child and now I am still without my father. But I do not want to spend the next days and Eids without my father. "

Indicating that compensation of her being away is not possible but she is hoping to spend her time from now on with her father, Zeynep Demir drew attention to indescribable suffering that she have and added that, "The absence of being away from my father, will just be removed from my heart when my father is out of prison. I don’t want to be sadder again when I see other families in Eid. Of course my Father is in prison because of Islamic case and for Allah that is why our head is not tilted. But I still get sad; when I see others spend their Eids with their father ".

"I do not want to spend the Eids without my father anymore"

Indicating that growing without father and living this suffering is an indescribable; Zeynep Demir described her emotions as:

"For example, whenever in school of there was a sentence of father in books and my teacher asked me to read, I didn’t want to. Being without a father was always a bitter reality in front of me. I don’t want any more to spend the next Eids to spend without my father in the future. I don’t want no more my father being in prison to make me unhappy when I am happy and smiling. From now on I want to wake up with my father in the mornings of the Eid. I do not want to feel the absence of my father every time I wake up. " (ILKHA)

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